
Hello Everyone!  Today’s blog post is about fitness.  Why we hate hit.  Why we should love it.  And everything in between.
So, like most people I know, I am out of shape.  This is evident by the adipose tissue muffin-topping over my size 8 jeans.  A few years ago I was in great shape.  Probably the best I was ever in.  I went through Army boot camp and then went to San Antonio for my Medic training.  I was in great shape.  Nice and curvy but thin and muscular.  Matter of fact that long, lost body is what attracted my honey!
Why did I get fat 6-7 years ago?  What changed?
Well, for one I was finally a real adult, making my own choices on what I can eat, how often I can go out to eat, and how often I would have an adult beverage with said yummy plate of goodness.  Ah, the joys of being a young naïve adult.  I also lost some energy and motivation with the weight gain.  I no longer had the desire or energy to go outdoors and play with the kids or play sports or anything.
I feel like I barely know myself.  I look way different from the high school girl I was but inside I feel like I really haven’t aged that much, just gained some wisdom through experience.
Now enter the FITNESS BEAST!
Ok so let me make this clear. I am NOT a fan of exercise.  We have a love/hate relationship.  I love to hate it!  But, humans were designed to be fit.  We were designed to be able to chase our game and outrun the predators (if we were lucky).  Could I see myself outrunning a saber toothed cat?  ABSOLUTELY NOT! I would sooo be eaten.  Why?  Because I am not fit.
So, what should we do about that?  What should we do to make us able to run for our lives and survive another day? (Back, back you darn cat!!)

It has been said that we need 30 minutes a day of cardiovascular activity.  This means we need to get the ol pumper a pumpin’ pretty good for about a half our each day.
How can we do this?  Well small changes to start.  You are most likely to stick with something if you take it easy, so as not to hurt yourself just out of the gate.  We are also more likely to stick with something if we enjoy it.  Don’t follow a routine.  It is just that, a routine….BOOOOOORRRRIIINNNGG!
Make it fun!  There are many exercises out there to choose from.  A good balance of Cardio and Weight Training is optimal and beneficial. 
So, what can YOU and I do for exercise?
Use your primal mind.  Think about it.  Running, playing, jumping, lifting, throwing, swimming, walking, sprinting….all things our cave grand pappy’s all did.
Nowadays we have gym memberships, home video routines, home gym equipment, bicycles, swimming pools, and our own body.
Use what feels good to you.  Combining a great routine with a good diet should produce awesome results in no time!
Did you know that the Good Cholesterol is affected by your exercise? If you do not get enough cardio activity your Good Cholesterol will reflect that on your labs.  You can eat perfectly and the number will be suboptimal.

So, what do you plan on doing for exercise? When are you starting? How Long and How Often?

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