Health and Beauty

21 Day Sugar DETOX
Good afternoon!  Today’s topic is in preparation for the April 1st Sugar Detox!  Be sure to post any concerns or questions on the FB group/or the event!
So…Sugar BBBBBAAAADDDD! Got that? Good.  That is your first step in the right direction.
As a team we will go 21 days (April 1-21J) detoxing from our addiction.  We will be eliminating inflammatory after inflammatory.  But we will not stop there.  After the 21 days we will get geared up to start the Whole 30!  In between I may put up an event for Pantry/Kitchen clean up.  We will toss all those non-paleo foods, or at least box them up and give them to the needy!
So what do we expect to happen to our bodies during the detox?
I can imagine there will be headaches, lethargy, and stress.  We will want to binge on whatever junk is around, so don’t let it be around.  The headaches are our body detoxing from that little sweet drug called sugar.  In some of us it may also be the lack of caffeineJ I forsee this lasting 3-7 days.  After that as our body get used to real nourishment we may get energetic and maybe a little serene.  Our bowels will normalize.  Our blood sugar should normalize.  We should start sleeping better.  We just may be happier than we have been in a long time, we will have to see.  Also by reducing inflammatory foods it is possible to see a reduction in pain, not a guarantee, just a possibility.
What happens if you cheat?
Well besides you mentally beating up on yourself, (you big bully!), we aren’t going to abandon you.  We will be there to help you get back on track.  Just start the 21 days over.  Just continuing from where you left off is defeating the purpose.  You must start over.  Do not pass go! Do not collect 200 sugar packets!
What can I eat?
Depending on what detox you do, the foods may change.  Follow the guide in your detox book/kit/pdf/whatever.  While they are all different, the will all say to eat meat and veggies.  Some say no legumes while others say this is fine.  Some say no dairy while others allow it.  Do what you want.  Keeping in mind that dairy contains lactose…a…GASP! Sugar!
There will be no paleo-ized snackies! No ice cream, no cake, no pie, no m&ms, not even gum!  Gum contains either sugar or franken-sugar!
What can you drink?
No alcohol.  This is metabolized as sugar!  No sodas, no koolaid! No juice!  How about water, with or without lemon/lime slices, maybe some tea without sugar, coffee without sugar, or herbal tea!  Kind of limited but you will be hydrated!  Hydration flushes toxins and such from the body.  The standard is 8-8oz glasses a day.  It doesn’t have to be water in water bottles.  Fast food joints (if you have the discipline) have Large waters for free!
So, let’s get ready for this ride and keep each other motivated.  United, we are stronger than when we are on our own.  If you are feeling weak, like you are going to devour that candy jar at work, put a comment on the group page and we will talk you down!  Just back away from the dish and no one gets hurt!
Take care and Happy Friday Y’all!

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