Honorable Mentions: Useful Blogs, Books, etc.

Today’s post is taken from one of our Passionately Paleo members!
Ms. Alison Golden… (Applause!!!)

One of her blogs “Secret Life of a Warrior Woman” has a post related to a timelessness retreat.
Do you often feel like life has you by the ankles and is dragging you behind it?  You have long given up kicking and screaming as you are drug.  Now you just lie there with your arms folded across your chest and an exhausted expression on your face. (Can’t you just picture it!)
When you feel like you have no say-so in how you live your life, it loses meaning and value.  You aren’t enjoying the sunrises, the birds chirping, and the feel of the wind on your cheek.  Do you want that back?  Who doesn’t?!

Alison did four and a half days in this challenge to overcome the rush.
Her rules were:
1.        No watches or any other time device.  You are on your own to determine time by the sun’s placement in the sky.  Now don’t panic!  This is a good thing, remember!
2.       No computers, television, phones (except for emergency), or anything electronic except for the purposes of cooking.
3.       No artificial light. Use sunlight during the day and candlelight at night.
4.       No car, you must walk.
5.       Go barefoot as much as possible.
6.       Spend some time outdoors.
7.       You can have friends over but they cannot tell you time or let you use electronic devices.
8.       Get some exercise in by walking, doing chores, or lifting at home.  No television so no exercise videos.
9.       Spend some time with the family.
10.   Hot water is ok, by all means shower! No blow driers though!
Please check it out!  She tells you about it, how she prepared, how it went, and if she would do it again.
I think this would be a great thing to do on the weekends if you cannot do this during the week.  I can imagine that the electric bill would go down if you did this every weekend!
If you do this, or have done this, please share on our face book group:  Passionately Paleo  https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/116307188499992/
I can imagine that this would do wonders for those who need help getting to sleep and those wanting to still the mind!  Give it a try; what do you have to lose?

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