Saturday, March 24, 2012


Welcome Cave brothers and sisters! Also to those that are flirting with the idea of movin into our Cave and joining the clan of the healthiest people on earth!

This blog is here to help take some of the best stuff on the Internet and put it all in one place. This information is for those who already live or want to live Passionately Paleo!

Some of the questions answered (according to my handy dandy crystal ball)are:
What the heck is Paleo?
How is it healthier for me than the standard American diet?
How can I start?
What can I eat? What can't I eat?
How do I shop smart?
I am sure many more are bound to pop up along this journey! This is my first day, take it easy on me!

Joining me on my journey are my Cave family that I am sure you will hear tons about! My husband David, my 3 kids (in order by oldest to youngest, ranging 9-2) Kiana, Kaitlyn, and Logan, also my 2 canine children Zinfindel and Serena.

My husband and I are Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans, former Army Combat Medics, Clerks at our local Veterans hospital, and parents to our brood. Jacks of all trades, masters of none!

Again, welcome to Passionately Paleo!
The next post will most likely be about the basics of the Paleo Lifestyle, why not start from the beginning right?!

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