Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is the paleo diet?

The paleo diet is not a diet. Don't be fooled with the name.

It is more of a lifestyle than a simple diet change. The word "diet" has sort of a stigma that isn't always positive. It isn't short term, it is changing your eating so that you eat what you were wired to.

Many scientists have done research on our ancestors, their way of life, what they ate, their life expectancy, and their diseases. Our ancestors range from homo erectus to homo sapiens. These were the start of the evolution of man. Cavemen had a much different life than what we have today. They had to hunt or gather their foods. The chased down animals and avoided certain death at the same time. Paleolithic man was lean. He was built to survive in a world where food and survival wasn't a guarantee. He walked and ran miles daily to locate his quarry. He gathered wild fruits and vegetables as well.

In the last few thousand years, man's diet changed. Horticulture became a new technology. Foods were grown for private or public use. As the population boomed, man developed a need for more foods. Food began to get genetically modified to produce larger, disease-resistant produce. Grain and corn became a staple in man's diet. As a cheap filler, grain could feed the people and animals when produce and meat were hard to come by. As a result, more diseases developed and the so-called modern man became fatter and more disease prone. Cancers and heart disease that were once nonexistent were now much more common.

Fast forward a bit to today's generation. Our supermarkets are chock full of frankenfoods! Genetically modified and pumped full of fillers and antibiotics. The majority of the grocery store is filled with these man made creations of science. Along with the scary fake food, our population is seeing tons more disease, cancers, and obesity. There are more overweight and obese people in any given city than there even 20 years ago. Coincidence? I think not.

The SAD or standard American diet, which is what most of us eat. The standard American diet says that we should eat 6-11 servings of gain! More grain than any natural foods such as fruits and veggies! I plan on going over the cons of eating grain later but for now think of them as the Sith warriors from Star Wars, they are hell-bent on destruction and certain death! That would be my reference from the Star Wars series that I watched for the first time this past weekend!

So, if the SAD diet is leading us to destruction what should we eat?

We need to eat what we are genetically designed to eat. The things available when great-great-great....grandpa caveman ate to sustain life!

Healthy fats

Hormone pumped dairy
Stomach wrenching grains
Processed frankenfoods

Not hard to do, shop the perimeter of the grocery store an visit the spice aisle and you are all set!

Ok enough talking for now...stay tuned to more information on how to take control of your health!

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